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Welcome to the Airline Selection and Pre Type Rating Course

The Airline selection and Pre Type Rating Course is a completely new and innovative 6 week course designed to enable you to learn new skills, enhance your knowledge and give yourself the competitive edge when applying for a job or before commencing a Type Rating Course.

You will gain knowledge of the Boeing 737 and also of topics such as SOP's - the heart of all major airlines, Fuel Planning, Weight and Balance, Command Decision Making, Non Normal system management and much more.
By subscribing to the course, you will gain access to a wide selection of structured pre flight briefings and online tutorials on a multitude of topics, presented by Ben, our current and experienced Boeing 737 Type Rating Instructor and Examiner employed by one of the worlds largest airlines.  

You will also gain access to regular, structured live flight training sessions held either on Microsoft Flight Simulator or on one of the Level D full motion simulators. You will be taught, by Ben, how to safely and correctly operate the aircraft and its systems in the same way airline pilots operate. Topics will include, how to correctly setup the aircraft from a cold, dark cockpit to being flight ready, how to manage Non Normal events safely and efficiently, how to fly VNAV non precision approaches, how to correctly use the Auto pilot utilising the Mode Control Panel plus many more.  Woven through all of this is the correct use of CRM and SOP's.

Classes are run every 6 weeks and will have very limited places available to ensure the maximum value and attention can be given to each student.
You will also have unlimited email access to Ben, to answer any questions you may have.  Give yourself the edge, click on the Patreon link here:

                                                     See you on the other side!


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